All-On-X® Implants

All-on-X® dental implants are a revolutionary solution for individuals seeking a permanent and efficient way to restore their smile. They offer a life-changing alternative to traditional dentures, providing patients with a secure, natural-looking set of teeth anchored by dental implants. All-on-X implants are ideal for individuals facing extensive tooth loss or those with failing teeth due to decay, gum disease or trauma. If you are tired of the challenges posed by removable dentures or seeking a more stable and long-term solution, All-on-X implants could be the answer.

The All-on-X procedure involves strategically placing a fixed set of prosthetic teeth on as few as four dental implants. We will start with a consultation with our oral surgeon, Dr. Nicholas Joyce, at Heritage Dental Arts, followed by the surgical placement of implants. Thanks to advancements in dental technology, many patients experience minimal discomfort during the procedure. After a healing period, your new set of teeth will be securely attached, restoring your ability to eat, speak and smile with confidence.

The benefits of All-on-X implants extend beyond aesthetics. This innovative solution offers enhanced stability, functionality and comfort compared to traditional dentures. Additionally, it helps preserve jawbone health, promoting long-term oral wellbeing. With All-on-X implants in Gainesville, Virginia, you can enjoy the freedom of a natural-looking smile that feels just like your own teeth. Call Heritage Dental Arts at 703-349-0099 to start your treatment today.

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Come see for yourselves how our dental services can help you achieve the smile you are looking for. Contact our office today to schedule your initial consultation to discuss your smile goals and what we can do to help you fulfill them! We hope to see you soon!